Just Drop Me a Line :-)


Would you like to cooperate with me? To publish one of my books? To get to know my work? Or simply to have a coffee together? Or to internationally exchange a few lines through this great invention, the Internet? OK! Write:


I am looking forward to it and I send lots of love! I come from a famous healer family. My great-grandmother always used to say: the good and the love which you give will one day return to you. And she helped people with herbs, advice, a good word. Instead of her I therefore send you positive energy through the display. Believe in it! Why not believe in the good instead of the bad? It’s a matter of choice.
And I have decided to believe in the good! =)
I wish you lots of wonderful days,




Use Contacts in CONTACT section please. We speak Italian, English, German, Czech, Slovak, Croatian, Russian, and Spanish.